Hey all... Apologies if this is off-topic, but it appears something insidious (or at least unfortunate) has happened to the netblock allocation for a company I'm working with -- it's basically dropped off the face of the planet, fairly recently. Conveniently, late on a friday, is when it was noticed. ..of course, this kills reverse DNS, which means all the clients are unable to send mail, at all. Does anyone know any of the following: 1) If there's an "emergency" contact at ARIN who can deal with off-hours requests (if there's an expedite fee, I'm pretty sure it's willing to be paid). 2) If there's a way of accessing historical WHOIS records and/or changelogs? (i.e. does someone keep an archive?) Thanks for any and all help. -Dan Mahoney -- --------Dan Mahoney-------- Techie, Sysadmin, WebGeek Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC ICQ: 13735144 AIM: LarpGM Site: http://www.gushi.org ---------------------------