On 10/6/05 10:37 AM, "Patrick W. Gilmore" <patrick@ianai.net> wrote:
On Oct 6, 2005, at 10:19 AM, tony sarendal wrote:
This is not the first and certainly not the last time we see this kind of event happen. Purchasing a single-homed service from a Tier-1 provider will guarantee that you are affected by this every time it happens.
s/every time it happens/every time it happens to YOUR upstream
People on Sprint, AT&T, GLBX, MCI, etc. were unaffected. Only people who single-home to L3 or Cogent have disconnectivity.
Take-away: Do not single home. I'm shocked folks aren't figuring this out. If you are a webhoster or enterprise and your business model can not support multiple Internet pipes, than you have a suboptimal business model (to put it lightly)
Now, is being a tier-1 now a good or bad sales argument when selling internet access ?
It's still a good argument, because Marketing != Reality. :)