On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Jeff Rooney<jtrooney@nexdlevel.com> wrote:
Does anyone know of any decent data centers in Wisconsin, preferably Madison or Milwaukee, that offer private caged environments or suites?
There are a few colo facilities of note in the Madison area (Berbee, owned by "CDW", SupraNet, and TDS has some customer colo at a few CO's..). However, if your needs include space *and* transport/transit, there's only one richly connected spot -- network222 (marketing name for 222 West washington avenue, http://www.network222.com/). If memory serves, the following networks sell transit or transport within network222: -WVFiber/host.net -Charter Business Networks -US-Signal -CenturyTel -Norlight/KDL -ATT (222ww is <1000 feet from MSDNWI11 and MDSNWI13) -Global Crossing -Spiralight Network -TDS Metrocom -WIN (Wisconsin Independent Network) There's a number of local networks who also can sell IP transit and metro-area transport around madison, but which don't have a footprint outside of the state. I'd be happy to provide references if you need. Nearly every shop within network222 (with the exception of AS20115) peers or interconnects openly at the local IX, MadIX (http://kb.wisc.edu/ns/page.php?id=6636), which is a free service supported by the University of Wisconsin. It's small, but surprisingly active for a town of ~200k people. Stats at http://stats.net.wisc.edu/madix.html Incidentally, my company (5nines Data), is host to several of the aforementioned transit/transport providers, making the site a convent spot for several applications. Cages and private suites are available; feel free to follow up off-list if you'd like. In Milwaukee, your choices are slim. The only "place to be" is 324 E Wisconsin Ave. If you're able to cope with raw space, direct deals with the building are possible. For something ready-to-go, a few of the existing tenants, all of whom have sunk serious cash into conditioning their space(s), are the best choice. The two that come to mind are NetWurx and TSR Solutions. Of the regional transport/transit shops in my Madison colo space, only Spiralight, US-Signal, TDS Metro, and Nortlight/KDL have gear within 324E and 222WW. 324E does, however, have a local Cogent pop, though in practice, WV has been able to match pricing and often able to turn-up quite rapidly (come to madison, man!). Hope this is at least minimally orienting for you (and tangentially of interest to the list!), -Tk