Sean Donelan wrote:
UK ISP associations have developed a centralized blocking solution with IWF providing the decision making of what to filter. 90% of the UK broadband users accept the same "voluntary" decisions about what to filter.
I have not seen any evidence presented that *any* "UK broadband users" either *know* about or "accept" the "voluntary" decisions of their ISP, made for them in their 'Net Nanny role. Could you point to the URL for this scientific polling data?
On the other hand, US ISP associations have advocated for decentralized blocking solutions, leaving the decision to parents and multiple content filtering companies. US ISP associations have been active in this area since the early 1990's, although US ISP associations seem to only last so long before they disappear and a new association springs up.
And that has not worked out well for us. No continuity, no effective lobbying organization. Where, oh where, are CIX, ISP/C, et alia?