On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 9:21 AM Shaun Dombrosky <SDombrosky@blackfoot.com> wrote:

Good Morning,


First time NANOG poster, apologies if I breach etiquette.


Does anyone have any first-hand data on how much data a small-medium business (SMB) can expect to consume in a failover scenario over a 4G/LTE connection?  Retail, under 50 head count, using PoS, maybe cloud accounting software, general internet activity, 8 hour time period.  Wonder if anyone is using a Cradlepoint or SD-WAN solution that could pull a few quick numbers from a dashboard for me.  I haven’t had much luck in my searches.


Appreciate any info anyone can provide.




Shaun Dombrosky
Data Network Engineer



E: sdombrosky@blackfoot.com



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