Hey Sam, we had the same problem and were able to get it resolved (and help a few others get unblocked as well). Shoot me the affected blocks off-list and I'll forward them along. Adam On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 12:03 PM Anne P. Mitchell Esq. <amitchell@isipp.com> wrote:
Sam, may I share this with our Amazon contacts?
Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law CEO/President, SuretyMail Email Reputation Certification and Inbox Delivery Assistance http://www.SuretyMail.com/ http://www.SuretyMail.eu/
Attorney at Law / Legislative Consultant GDPR Compliance Consultant Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law) Author: The Email Deliverability Handbook Legal Counsel: The CyberGreen Institute Legal Counsel: The Earth Law Center
Hey all,
Having a hard time finding someone within Amazon to understand
problems. We have lots of customers that started getting the amazon
geolocation prime video
message about not being able to watch because of geolocation / vpn restrictions.
We are a wisp. We run BGP with our own netblocks and upstream netblocks. We have at least 15 customers that have reported this problem - many of which opened tickets directly with amazon but they have no clue. My guess is its related to entire netblocks.
MaxMind shows the correct info and always has.
Can someone point me to a contact at Amazon that can help?
Thx, Sam