I've never understood the question of US Government support. They need to use .GOV and they should be taking charge of .US and they certainly have a clear claim to .MIL, and that's pretty much the end of it. I certainly do not wait on the likes of Brian Kahin to tell me what to put into BIND, and I can only guess that the IANA doesn't care what Brian Kahin thinks ought to be put into "." either. Having Kahin's group announce that they don't like the IAHC plan is about as relevant as having them announce a position on Hong Kong's government or the price of tea in China. Internet "BIG". US Government "little". I wonder, if the French government were to announce that they supported or didn't support the IAHC plan, whether anybody would even comment on it? There are, by the way, some mailing lists missing from the "CC" header in this thread. If we're going to spam NANOG, shouldn't we spam BASKET-WEAVERS too?