On May 20, 2004, at 2:46 PM, Timothy Brown wrote:
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 02:12:04PM -0400, irv@panix.com wrote:
Avi Freeman is at the final two tables of the $5000 Pot-Limit Omaha event at the World Series of Poker:
Pre-congratulations to Avi on making it that far in one of the toughest events against one of the toughest fields of the WSOP.
Minor correction: Freedman
He made the money, but has to go back at 2 PM (PST) for the final round. This is pretty impressive given that 1) He has had about 4 hours sleep (on an airplane) in the 48 before the tournament and B) Avi only paid $5K, no rebuys, no add ons. The top player had to buy more chips multiple times. Right now Avi is guaranteed a $10K profit no matter what. Some of the other people are not guaranteed a profit unless they make it to the top 5 or so. Funny stories about his tournament play: During the 1 hour dinner break, Avi wen to play a cash game instead of eating. :) And this morning, he spent a couple hours on his computer fixing his personal server instead of sleeping some more. (Worse, he had to do it over a modem!)
OT notes: Many of your fellow network engineers play poker, and, having sat at a table with Avi and some other Akamai folks, I wouldn't want to meet them at WSOP with a lower chip count ;)
PS - If you are interested in the Texas Reunion in SF, drop me a line. This is not for people from Texas. :-)
I am soooooooo in. -- TTFN, patrick