On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Leo Bicknell wrote:
There is a fundamental business here in that ISP's are _required_ to do business with each other in order to make the Internet work as users expect. ISP's will always have business ties to each other, in the form of paid/free transit/peering. Making that go away makes it all cease to work, completely.
I have to point out an interesting similarity between Big Oil and Big Telecomm. The Oil and ISP industries are the only two major industries I know of where your biggest competitors are quite often also your biggest customers. In the oil industry, you see it all the time with the company-owned retail stores versus the dealers - but who do the dealers buy from? Right. It makes for some rather interesting business relationships, IMHO. -- JustThe.net LLC - Steve "Web Dude" Sobol, CTO - sjsobol@JustThe.net Donate a portion of your monthly ISP bill to your favorite charity or non-profit organization! E-mail me for details.