20 Dec
20 Dec
10:05 a.m.
Seems Larry know how to use the "bounce" function in his mail client to make it look like I'm sending dupes to the list. Very impressive. Received: by segue.merit.edu (Postfix, from userid 56) id D7E445DDD0; Wed, 20 Dec 2000 09:45:21 -0500 (EST) Received: from mailjay.creighton.edu (mailjay.creighton.edu []) by segue.merit.edu (Postfix) with ESMTP id 85CF15DDE1 for <nanog@merit.edu>; Wed, 20 Dec 2000 09:45:17 -0500 (EST) [...] From: Adam Rothschild <asr@latency.net> To: Larry Sheldon <lsheldon@creighton.edu> NANOG admins, could you please block this fool from relaying msgs to the list? Thanks, -adam