On Mon, 15 May 2017, Brad Knowles wrote:
As much as I hate, loathe, and despise Microsoft, there's always going to be someone/something out there that is "the worst". Eliminate the current "worst", and there will be another one right behind them.
I do believe that Microsoft is directly responsible for trillions of dollars/euros of damage done to economies worldwide, due to their lax security practices over the years. Their advances have only come at the cost of great pain on the part of others, and they have been kicking and screaming all the while being dragged into the modern world.
The rest of us will continue to bear the pain and anguish that they create. That's just the way things are. Not the way they should be, but the way they are.
-- Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
Spot on. Shame on Microsoft for releasing patches and not forcing the installation versus letting security managers open up ISC^, and other nonsensical frameworks to do things like "change/patch management" tasks. I mean, who cares if one little patch knocks a business out of existence. I do believe Microsoft is directly responsible for making people such daft "To patch or not to patch" admins. Force feed patches on everyone! Then your next message will be: "I believe Microsoft is responsible for trillions of dollars by pushing out patches forcefully and negatively impacting businesses worldwide." Pain and anguish? I'm smiling and drinking coffee. I adore when security shenanigas occur. That is the sound of a cash register to me. -- =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ J. Oquendo SGFA, SGFE, C|EH, CNDA, CHFI, OSCP, CPT, RWSP, GREM "Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace" - Dalai Lama 0B23 595C F07C 6092 8AEB 074B FC83 7AF5 9D8A 4463 https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xFC837AF59D8A4463