On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Todd Underwood wrote:
randy, all,
On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 10:37:13AM -1000, Randy Bush wrote:
Connectivity testing is currently being done by Team Cymru on the following three /20s (one from each /8). All of these test allocations originate with AS36666.
and how is that testing being done?
i.e. is there a pingable address in each, as has been discussed here just a few times?
ping is ok, but routing table entry existence seems better. ping can fail for lots of reasons and what we're really testing is routing, not icmp end-to-end, right?
actually, routing is only half the problem (or some portion less than ALL of it atleast). Perhaps the traffic gets/got acl'd somewhere even though there are routes? I think Randy's asking: "Is there a webserver or ping host out there we can test from inside our network to inside proposed new network(s)?"
if it's useful, i'd be happy to report what percentage of my peers have/don't have routes to these prefixes.
that might be neat too :) on your webpage perhaps?