On 21/10/2021 21:52, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
On Oct 21, 2021, at 2:37 PM, Michael Thomas <mike@mtcc.com> wrote:
[changed to a more appropriate subject]
On 10/20/21 3:52 PM, Grant Taylor via NANOG wrote:
On 10/20/21 3:26 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:
Just as an interesting aside if you're interested in the history of networking, When Wizards Stayed Up Late is quite elucidating.
+10 to Where Wizards Stay Up Late.
I recently re-acquired (multiple copies of) it. (Multiple because I wanted the same edition that I couldn't locate after multiple moves.)
One of the things about the book was that it finally confirmed for me what I had heard but thought might be apocryphal which was that one of my co-workers at Cisco (Charlie Klein) was the first one to receive a packet on ARPAnet. I guess it sent an "l" and then immediately crashed. They fixed the problem and the next time they got "login:". It also casts shade on another early well known person which gives me some amount of schadenfreude.
It was “LO”, and Mr. Kline sent the packets, but you got it essentially right.
Source: https://uclaconnectionlab.org/internet-museum/
The last picture confirms Mr. Kline sent the LO and crashed the WHOLE INTERENT (FSVO “Internet”) just a couple seconds after it started.
Reminds me of the time the entire Swift network crashed when the capital of Ecuador (Quito) was added to the network. :-) -Hank