Cisco said this is normal? Normal default operation maybe. The default BGP scan time is 60 seconds. This can be modified with the "bgp scan time N" command. That's not a production router, is it? (T) code is test code. That's the first code with IPv6 and MPLS Label Distribution Protocol support. Not the type of stuff you'd want to be running on your backbone (unless you needed some functionality that it introduced). Sincerely, Dennis J. Hartmann White Pine Consulting Global Knowledge-MPLS Course Director http://www.globalknowledge.com/training/course.asp?PageID=9&courseid=1571 dennisjhartmann@hotmail.com AOL IM: dennisjhartmann -----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of Robert E. Seastrom Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 5:54 PM To: tme@21rst-century.com Cc: tech@multicasttech.com; David McGaugh; nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: slowing down every 60 seconds due to BGP scaner Marshall Eubanks <tme@21rst-century.com> writes:
I said nothing about pings. The router is freezing (or at least slowing a lot) every 67.5 +- 3 seconds. We this for both inbound and outbound - outbound things are buffered but inbound they seem to be lost.
A Cisco 7204 running Version 12.2(2)T1
What kind of NPE, how much memory, how many BGP views, what interfaces, and is there a particular reason that you're running 12.2? ---rob