On Jan 7, 2009, at 9:40 AM, Edward B. DREGER wrote:
Even when a system is highly deterministic, such as a database, one still expects _real-world_ testing. Traffic flows on large networks are highly stochastic... and this includes OPNs, which I posit are futile to attempt to model.
Sure. In many cases, it seems that there's a lot of talk about testing, after-the-fact, with relatively little analysis performed prior-to-the- fact to inform the design, including baseline security requirements. When one has a network/system in which the basic security BCPs haven't been implemented, it makes little sense to expend scarce resources testing when those resources could be better-employed hardening and increasing the resiliency and robustness of said network/system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Roland Dobbins <rdobbins@cisco.com> // +852.9133.2844 mobile All behavior is economic in motivation and/or consequence.