When I render it as UTF-8, the text is composed of valid simplified chinese characters. It may be that your mailer (exchange V6, apparently) is converting it to UTF-8 from whatever encoding you are composing in. As you no doubt know, GB2312 will be most widely understood as an encoding in Mainland China, so disabling that conversion will probably a good idea.
Various people in various places in the world are using various encoding schemes for various purposes. Unicode was an attempt to unify them. Microsoft contributed a lot. As usual, the attempt resulted in additional several encoding schemes (such as UTF-8, UTF-16) none of which is useful for any purpose. Honest people have already abandoned it. The rest are now working on unifying localization schemes of domain names, which is wrongly labeled as IDN (Internationalized Domain Name). Use GB2312 with EUC, if you want to communicate with people in mainland China. Masataka Ohta PS Japanese use ISO-2022-JP encoding for email only. Though hosts support their host-local encoding, ISO-2022-JP is the encoding for email. Situationis worse with WWW.
Daryl, It's actually in UTF-8 encoding. Somehow I missed the charset part of the mime type in the original headers:
AS ISO-2022-JP is compatible with other ISO 2022 based encoding scheme such as ASCII, we don't need MIME and its charset label.