5 Jun
5 Jun
7:56 p.m.
In article <35788244.55A2D71@san.rr.com>, Studded <Studded@san.rr.com> wrote:
For the same reason you can't CNAME a zone's root to something else (meaning, if I am setting up the zone map for n.ml.org, I can CNAME web.n.ml.org to narnia.n.ml.org,
but I can't CNAME n.ml.org to narnia.n.ml.org, nor can I CNAME n.ml.org to ftp.microsoft.com, or any other host),
Why not?
Because you cannot have CNAME RRs along with any other RR, including NS and SOA. DNSSEC RRs are excepted.
Finally, if you plan to disagree with anything in this post, please quote chapter and verse from the relevant RFC. I've spent a lot of time studying this topic and am quite sure of my facts.
RFC 2181 section 10.1. -- Shields, CrossLink.