Give it a rest. You won't be stopping spam. Dream on if you like. But take it off Nanog. --Dean At 04:30 PM 10/30/98 -0500, Steven J. Sobol wrote:
On Fri, Oct 30, 1998 at 01:52:19PM -0500, Dean Anderson wrote:
One problem is that the wholesale provider may not have permission to do this. You must obtain permission from a party to the communication prior to interfering with it, unless it qualifies as an abuse.
Don't start again, Dean.
You should be aware that the pro-spammers have a bill in Congress to explicitly define spam as a legitimate activity, ie not an abuse. It will likely be passed in this session.
Wrong. It died. Unfortunately, the telephone anti-slamming bill died with it - the spam rider was attached to the anti-slamming bill.
I tried to tell people a year and a half ago that spammers were closely associated with an advertising lobby that would be effective on this is issue, and that they needed to try a more reasonable approach. But they insisted "I was wrong".
You're still wrong. The DMA and its members seem to be adopting a wait-and- see attitude, although they seem to be moving towards action...
So "Spam fighting" is now a lost cause
which should not be discussed on Nanog anyway.
Which doesn't stop you from whining about spamfighters every few months anyhow.
-- Steve Sobol [] Part-time Support Droid [] NACS Spaminator []
Spotted on a bumper sticker: "Possum. The other white meat."
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