Hank: I'd really appreciate just getting this much message. Thanks, Steve R./Merit
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 95 13:11:21 IST From: Hank Nussbacher <HANK@taunivm.tau.ac.il> To: cidrd@IEPG.ORG, nanog@merit.edu, inet-access@earth.com, iap@vma.cc.nd.edu, local-ir@vma.cc.nd.edu, local-ir@apnic.net
------------------------------------------------------------------------ The CIDR FAQ Version 5 15 November 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following document is a collection of Frequently Asked Questions about CIDR. This document is not meant to be a networking/routing guide and tutorial. Where appropriate pointers to other documents of a more general nature have been mentioned.
Updates from a previous version are marked with a '|' in column 1.
If you have any questions you would like added, please send them to the editor mentioned below:
Hank Nussbacher (Tel Aviv University and IBM Israel) hank@vm.tau.ac.il or hank@ibm.net.il
If you would like to "discuss" items from this FAQ please send your mail to cidrd@iepg.org
This FAQ is being distributed to the following groups and lists: alt.internet.services alt.internet.access.wanted nanog@merit.edu inet-access@earth.com iap@vma.cc.nd.edu local-ir@ripe.net cidrd@iepg.org |local-ir@apnic.net
To retrieve the most up-to-date version of this document: |- ftp://ftp.ibm.net.il/pub/docs/cidr.faq |- http://www.rain.net/faq/cidr.faq.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------