In return, would Covad please consider performing some meaningful form of route aggregation or other measures to reduce the amount of noise that is being passed across the global routing tables that originates from Covad? suggests that Covad could withdraw some 483 BGP routing table entries, reducing the total number of entires originated by Covad from 490 to an equivalent set of 8 aggregate routes. Perhaps use of NO EXPORT when announcing the more specifics to your upstream transit providers would be a globally helpful action to consider. regards, Geoff Huston At 02:09 PM 2/25/2003 -0800, Hsu, Vicky wrote: -----Original Message----- From: Chan, KaLun Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 4:18 PM To: Chan, KaLun; DL NOC Managers; DL NOC-IP Services Cc: Eisenhart, William; Minter, Daniel; DL Neteng-core-ip Subject: RE: [ARIN-20030123.943] - who had this block before? All, It has recently come to our attention that many Internet routers are still filtering out IP addresses in the range. If YOU are still filtering this block in your router, please modify your filters accordingly. Thank You IANA IPv4 Allocation List - <> Bogon List - <> Secure IOS Template - <> Secure BGP Template - <> Secure BIND Template - <> Sincerely, Ka Lun Chan (KC) Security Operation Center COVAD Communication SOC#: 866-722-2602 Dir #: 408-434-4919 Fax #: 408-434-2191 Easy to do Business with