From what I can tell (as OP indicated) most are using ::/0. (I should
Interesting question whether 2000::/3 or ::/0 is the better default route. probably add for those who have not been running V6 for long that for the forseeble future 2000::/3 is the extent of the V6 allocation, the rest being held back for future use. Which is why that could be a default.) Is there any case where 2000::/3 would hurt one? One person mentioned something like 64:ff9b::/96, which per, is the v4 to v6 translator net. Does anyone actually use that? best, dennis Dennis Bohn Manager of Network and Systems (ret) Adelphi University On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 12:20 PM, Baldur Norddahl <> wrote:
Shouldn't that be 2000::/3 ?
Den 2. mar. 2017 17.06 skrev "Aaron Gould" <>:
Correction... ::/0 is what I learn from those 3 :)