Randy Bush wrote:
once upon a time, someone more insane than myself wanted to close an RBL and did so by replacing it with a wildcard entry. we all hated that since it caused a lot of mail to bounce. (all mail that would otherwise have been received by that RBL's subscribers, in fact.) it did however have the effect of causing the subscribers to reconfigure their mailers to stop querying the now-dead RBL in question. what's the current thinking on this?
one problem with this is that the pain is not felt by the misconfigured folk, but by distant innocents.
I don't necessarily agree with that. First off, if you set up your mail server to use "maps.vix.com", you did it a LONG time ago, before scoring systems were all the rage. In all likelihood people are using this in a binary operation "accept or don't based on this DNSBL entry's return code". Flipping that switch will completely break mail for the offending site, and (in all likelihood) they'll notice it pretty quick and stop. Or they won't, in which case, they're pretty much an unattended domain, and who really cares what happens to them anyway? I think that at some poing, Paul has a right to attempt to reclaim the sane use of his domain name, and considering how long the DNSBL in question has been out of commission, and people who use it should know that by now, the carrot needs to be traded in for a stick. Cheers, D -- Derek J. Balling Manager of Systems Administration Vassar College 124 Raymond Ave Box 0406 - Computer Center 217 Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 W: (845) 437-7231 C: (845) 249-9731