I have proposed many times to just move domain WHOIS data into a new RRTYPE and let whoever owns the domain put in that whatever they want, including (and perhaps most usefully for many) just a URL for further detail. Obviously registries/registrars/ICANN can require and maintain more specific and validatable information from domain owners. I only mean the publicly accessible WHOIS info. It was a reaction to the whole GDPR foofraw: Let each domain owner control their own publicly visible data with some default (like we see now) initialized by registrars on purchase via a new RRTYPE perhaps call it WHOIS tho there are some which might be reused for this purpose, TBD. -- -Barry Shein Software Tool & Die | bzs@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: +1 617-STD-WRLD | 800-THE-WRLD The World: Since 1989 | A Public Information Utility | *oo*