"Ronald" == Ronald F Guilmette <rfg@tristatelogic.com> writes:
Ronald> Try to think of a word that is the absolute antonym of "hygiene" and Ronald> that's the global routing table. Ronald> This stuff would be funny if only it wasn't so sick and pathetic. Ronald> Even if we forget about all of the morons who are -using- these invalid Ronald> ASNs for actually routing bits to their IPs, you have to ask yourself: Ronald> Who are all of the morons who are -peering- with these invalid ASNs? Ronald> Regards, Ronald> rfg Ronald> P.S. Remember, out of all of the networking engineers in the entire world, Ronald> by definition, half of them are of below average intelligence. You would sound much more credible if you'd step down the high horse and stop insulting the very same people you're supposed to work with. plonk --