On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 10:30:32AM +0100, michael.dillon@bt.com wrote: ...
I also find it curious that you claim to have people on staff at your company who know what SWIP means. Perhaps you could ask them to share that information with us since I have never seen this documented anywhere. Do they really know what you claim they know? ...
http://www.swip.com/: Scottish Widows Investment Partnership http://www.uh.edu/~cfreelan/SWIP/: Society for Women in Philosophy http://www.sat-tel.com/Swip.html: Shared WHOIS Project http://www.swip.net/: The Swedish IP Network Note that there are far more entries for chapters of SWIP #2 than for any others. But one may assume that you refer to SWIP #3. Definitions on the Web found by Google do vary slightly. The referenced InterNIC policy appears to no longer be available on the InterNIC Web site. However, <http://www.arin.net/registration/guidelines/report_reassign.html> will do. There seem to have been more proposals on how to produce a better WHOIS then one can assume in a reasonable amount of time. ;-] -- Joe Yao Analex Contractor