I've always believed that RIM's decision to implement email and other services in this way was a very poor choice that at some point would blow up in their faces. My evil half would say that is was a marketer's rather than an engineer's decision. It's one thing when you are basically the only game in town (as RIM was a few years ago), now it's a completely different scenario. RIM already faces a complicated playground. More high-profile incidents like this one and suddenly people start losing confidence in the service... one thing leads to another... then suddenly you're target for acquisition by a huge corporation. Then things look up again but exactly one year later that huge corporation buries everything you did and you're a page in a history book :-) Good luck to them, Carlos On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Joe Abley <jabley@hopcount.ca> wrote:
On 2011-10-12, at 13:05, Leigh Porter wrote:
Email on my iPhone is working fine.. ;-)
The blackberry message service is centralised with a lot of processing intelligence in the core. Messaging services that use the core as a simple transport and shift the processing intelligence to the edge have different, less-dramatic failure modes.
No news, here. http://isen.com/stupid.html
-- -- ========================= Carlos M. Martinez-Cagnazzo http://www.labs.lacnic.net =========================