Dear Miguel; Having heard no answer, I will take a shot : I actually think that EPONs have a good chance to be the future method of distributing video from the "cable" provider to the home. As they are passive, it minimizes the amount of equipment out there. A 10-Gigabit Ethernet running multicast IP (probably with some form of packet tagging like MPLS) could more than support all of the video and data needs of a typical cable head-end customer base. There is a PON forum and also the fiber to the home council which seems to be hot on EPONs You might look at alloptic as a equipment provider here On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, at 12:58 PM, Miguel Mata-Cardona wrote:
Hi, I've been reading a little about passive optic networks and the idea is very good from my stand point.
As far as I have understood, the idea is to use the fiber as it was coax, doing some kind of FDM (frequency division multiplexing) with the lambdas (somehow the same). This would give us the capability to move at leat n x 10mbps ethernet on the same fiber using diferent lambdas for each customer, until power budget goes down.
If the idea is correct, this would mean "next jump" on bandwidth. Who would be making this "ethernet/lambda multiplexors" right now? Is it feasible to do it today? or should we wait a little more? I mean, there are solutions using packet over sonet or alike, but pure ethernet?
-- Miguel Mata-Cardona Intercom El Salvador voz: ++(503) 278-5068 fax: ++(503) 265-7024
Regards Marshall Eubanks T.M. Eubanks e-mail : Test your network for multicast : Our New Video Service is in Beta testing