Jerry Scharf wrote:
I think the idea of distance charging is going away in many cases. With WDM, the cost of the WDM and SONET eqiupment on the ends of a fully populated 32 channel per fiber, 144 strand pull vastly outweight end-to-end fiber costs of anything pulled through the ground.
Not true, long haul fiber *way* outways the initial ADM investment over about 1 years time frame, just not up-front. Remember: Dark fiber is a monthly re-occuring.....
When you add routers and the like on top of that, the distance issue really goes away and it becomes on of network topology hops.
Only for small ISP's. This is not even *slightly* true of transcontinental runs. Reality check, it costs me *way* more to put up long haul, than it does local. Something needs to account for this.... But, what?
Can anyone with figures for new intercontinental pulls say whether this is true there as well (project oxygen marketing claims this, but...)?
Using archaic telephone pricing models to argue cost of providing bulk IP services is just not right.
Some of us see it as: We are overcharging customers who don't use their service much, to offset *not billing* enough for those who do.... I don't call that archaic. But, I also don't think it is going to change anytime soon.... Richard