Well said Erik However this is what leads many organizations to restrict/remove internet access from whole regions of the company to solve the bandwith utilization issue. So we are back to needing effective ToS/QoS methods to balance the quality of life issues with the bottom line requirements of organizations Keeping it TCP with a well known port is a good first step because then with a custom queue you can route it with a low priority, IF the link is not busy it goes out fast this is how we handle web traffic. Sure it slows down from time to time but it ALWAYS works rather than the 'ACL the Napster servers' approach which is currently in effect. and right now Napster NEVER works. "Erik E. Fair" wrote:
Any operator trying to control which applications are used on their networks has either never learned, or already forgotten, the lesson of "fsp, NASA, and OZ."
Precis: they (developers, users) can modify the application to use spread-spectrum style port numbers that constantly change throughout the life of a session, which makes it effectively impossible to filter using existing technology.
Sean Doran has it right: be glad this is bulk TCP (fsp was UDP based), and turn on RED.
Erik <fair@clock.org>