Jack Bates <jbates@brightok.net> writes: Hi, a little late, but just catching up the list.
Has anyone seen issues with IOS where certain MACs fail?
54:52:00 (kvm) fails out an old 10mbit port on a 7206 running 12.2 SRE. I've never seen anything like this. DHCP worked, ARP worked, and arp debugging showed responses for arp to the MAC, however, tcpdump on the host system
I had something similar using a Catalyst 3550. Very simple setup: Host ----- Cat3550 ----- Router You could see arp-request from the host to the router and arp-replies from the router using tcpdump, but the arp-replies didn't make it to the host. No change in the interface counters on the switch either. When using a static arp-entry on the host and then ping the router you could the echo-request and echo-replies there but still no answers. Jens -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Foelderichstr. 40 | 13595 Berlin, Germany | +49-151-18721264 | | http://blog.quux.de | jabber: jenslink@guug.de | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------