I have been told that Sean, endeavoring to carry out a known Sprint policy, angered an outside and powerful person last September. I have no proof of this 'rumor'. But if anyone does have any verifiable information as to exactly what DID happen I'd certainly like to know. Because, if Sprint did capitulate to an outside power in the way described to me, such action deserves to be made very public. I have discussed the specifics of the allegation with the key people directly involved. They all denied the allegation. But they also offered no alternative story. From what they told me all parties appear to have signed an agreement not to talk about what actually happened. I want to make very clear however that nothing I have heard indicates to me any shred of unprofessional behavior on Sean's part. I have the highest respect for him and, were I the responsible decision maker for a major provider, I'd be moving to get him working for me ASAP.
In the rant explaning his departure that I got from Sean (the word bonehead was frequently used), he didn't mention anything about pissing someone off from outside, but I suppose it could have happened. He certainly pissed off many from outside for a long time - the question is, why would it matter all of a sudden :) Avi