You can't argue with the need for storage and bandwidth. Well, I guess you could, but I wouldn't listen.
From the FAQ...
8.18 - Why does run on Solaris? Although none of the developers think it is particularly relevant, this question comes up frequently enough in the mailing lists that it is answered here. and the main OpenBSD ftp site are hosted at a SunSITE at the University of Alberta, Canada. These sites are hosted on a large Sun system, which has access to lots of storage space and Internet bandwidth. The presence of the SunSITE gives the OpenBSD group access to this bandwidth. This is why the main site runs here. Many of the OpenBSD mirror sites run OpenBSD, but since they do not have guaranteed access to this large amount of bandwidth, the group has chosen to run the main site at the University of Alberta SunSITE. ----- Original Message ----- From: "jnull" <> To: "'Kevin Loch'" <>; <> Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 10:19 Subject: RE:tisk tisk--retract
I had no intention of starting an OS flame session.
I just thought "how ironic" since openbsd touts such emphasis on security, and their main distribution site uses another system. I use OpenBSD, Solaris, XP... A tool for every occaision.
There isn't a system that can't be cracked with patience, good fingerprint analysis, some coding, and maybe a little social engineering.