Hi, Summary: rbl.cluecentral.net moves to ascc.dnsbl.bit.nl per 1/Dec/2005. When Sabri Berisha mailed nanog a couple of weeks ago that he would be stopping his AS and CC DNSBL lists, I'm sure many users were somewhat disappointed. Sabri has received a lot of feedback on the matter, but has decided to stop hosting the lists due to lack of time and other resources. My employer is one of the ISPs that actively use these lists in our antispam setup, so I have conferred with them and we came to the decision that BIT will start hosting the list using the same generating algorithm, but under a new domain. I have finished prototyping and have an implementation ready for production. I worked closely with Sabri to ensure that the data we will publish is compatible with his. BIT will publish new data (800MB, 8M records) on our dnsbl servers on wednesdays at around 02:00 UTC, and on our ftp/rsync server on the following day. I am looking for a couple of US based nameservers (tinydns) to which I can push the compressed data.cdb file (100M per week) and get query statistics from (details to be determined), so if any of you have such gear to share, let me know off-list and maybe we can work something out. -- Met vriendelijke groet, BIT BV / Ing P.B. van Pelt PBVP1-RIPE (PGPKEY-4DCA7E5E)