On 7 Oct 2015, at 9:29, Matthew Kaufman wrote:
On Oct 7, 2015, at 5:01 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Instead, the followup question is needed… “That’s great, but how does that help me reach a web site that doesn’t have and can’t get an IPv4 address?”
At the present time, a web site that doesn't have and can't get an IPv4 address isn't "on the Internet".
By the only definition of the Internet that matters, the function "is on the Internet" is very much in the eye of the beholder. Using this definition, v6-only services are most certainly "on the Internet" for people who have v6 connectivity. Similarly, various instances of the Pirate Bay that have v4 reachability are not "on the Internet" for end-users in draconian jurisdictions like the UK. Trying to make assertions about what "on the Internet" means in a general, global sense is an effort doomed to failure. I realise you're talking in pragmatic terms about services that have a general, dispersed, global end-user population, but not all services are like that. Joe [1] Internet, n: “the largest equivalence class in the reflexive transitive symmetric closure of the relationship ‘can be reached by an IP packet from’” (Seth Breidbart)