30 May
30 May
9:43 p.m.
On Fri, 31 May 2013 09:04:17 +0800, Patrick said:
Probably better to watch stats for each NPA-NXX calling each DID. You can fit a distribution to the data for the length of time before another call arrives, and automatically throw a ticket at your carrier support group when the time between calls exceeds 99% of previous data.
May not be workable without a sufficiently high call rate 24/7. If you're a small call center that usually has 3-4 calls per hour at 2AM, now long is "too long without a call, time to get suspicious"? Does your answer change if you're a 911 or suicide hotline? (Yes, if you usually handle 50-60 calls per hour even at 2AM, a 5 minute gap is probably suspicious. As I said, it depends highly on normal call rates)