Subject: NAT for an ISP Date: Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 12:51:51PM -0700 Quoting Christopher J. Wolff (
I would like to know if any service providers have built their access networks out using private IP space. It certainly would benefit the global IP pool but it may adversely affect users with special applications. At any rate, it sounds like good fodder for a debate.
Those who use 1918 space are apparently not interested in communicating with the Internet. I regard this as grossly off-topic for NANOG. Granted; there might be some ratification for 1918 space in OOB or control plane networks, but on customer-facing interfaces it is a no-no, and should be discouraged with some vengeance. If somebody were trying to sell me a NATed connection and calling it "Internet connectivity" I'd talk to the proper government authority about fradulent behaviour. -- Måns Nilsson Systems Specialist +46 70 681 7204 KTHNOC MN1334-RIPE I want to perform cranial activities with Tuesday Weld!!