Hi NANOG, My colleagues and I at Virginia Tech, IIJ, RIPE NCC, and MANRS have developed a new measurement platform (https://rovista.netsecurelab.org/) to measure the current deployment status of ROV. For cross-validation, we've been trying our best to collect some "ground-truth" datasets manually from rpki.exposed, personal communication, and official blog posts from network operators, but it is a bit hard to scale. It would be really appreciated if we can directly hear RPKI validation status from network operators by participating in this survey! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MANRSROVAdoptionSurvey The short blog post about this research is also available here: https://www.manrs.org/2023/01/take-survey-to-help-validate-rov-adoption-meas... Thank you so much for your consideration! Taejoong "Tijay" Chung, Assistant Professor Virginia Tech | Computer Science Knowledge Works II, RM 2228 2202 Kraft Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060 (540) 231-0667| tijay@vt.edu