Once upon a time Austin Schutz shaped the electrons to say...
BBN should either find a way of making dialup profitable or get in to other lines of service. Trying to extort money from peers is a ludicrous waste of time.
Um - BBN/GTEI doesn't DO dialup. The only dial we have is the DiaLinx wholesale dial reselling. There is GTE.net, but that's a completely seperate animal. GTEI/BBN does 56K-T3 lines, managed firewalls, web hosting, dial outsourcing, managed VPN, etc. -MZ -- <URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me.. Join ISP/C Internet Service Providers' Consortium <URL:http://www.ispc.org/> "A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 781-788-0130 <URL:http://www.gweep.net/> <URL:http://www.megazone.org/> Hail Discordia!