christopher, all,
...nothing to see here, this is CGN's...
oh, i think this has several important advantages aver carrier-grade nat (which i believe to be mostly dead, anyway, no? someone who knows more can chime in with references to the contrary should this not be the case). firstly: cgn puts reachability in the hands of a single organization. with the PAP System you have a set of distributed choices about reachability: different people can assess their different tolerance to certain kinds of unreachability. as i said in the presentation, the probability that there will be positive operational overhead for a prefix is related the the count of reuse within an association domain for a prefix ( p(Oop) = Cr(Ap) ). We need to work out how to subdivide which parts of the internet actually want to communicate directly with each other reliably and make sure that they are within association domains. in any case, i think this is more the subject of future work (and possibly future nanog presentations) so i'll leave this here. t. (and stop trolling) :-)