On Thu, 10 Nov 2005, Blaine Christian wrote:
On Nov 10, 2005, at 5:56 PM, bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
Begin forwarded message:
From: Brett Glass <brett@lariat.org> Date: November 9, 2005 10:43:40 AM EST
Here's the latest draft of the Internet regulation bill, dated November 3rd. Note that, like earlier versions, it subjects all ISPs and VoIP providers to intensive Federal regulation and requires them to register before providing service. It also pre-empts state and local control over rights of way. For the draft text, see
--Brett Glass
I have to admit I like this part... It somewhat addresses my concerns about the monopolies that Chris Morrow and Sean Donelan are perpetrating on us (just kidding guys...).
you are an evil man :)
Since port 80 and port 25 are lawful services everyone offering broadband will have to drop filters and provide full routing! Can you hear me now? Why yes, port 80 and port 25 are open, of course I can hear you.
Interesting, the filtering in question (for uunet atleast, SBC is in a slightly different position) is put in place at request of the customer, who might be 'protecting' their customer (radius port 25 filtering). I wonder who's responsibility this situation covers?
SEC. 104. ACCESS TO BITS. (a) DUTIES OFPROVIDERS.—Subject to subsection2 (b), each BITS provider has the duty—3 (1) not to block, impair, or interfere with the4 offering of, access to, or the use of any lawful con-5 tent, application, or service provided over the Inter-6 net;7
--end snip----
What about outside the boundaries of the USofA? Hrm... good thing all that legislation we put in place is cleaning up the 'bad content' all over the Internet... Wait, it's not :( Legislation isn't the answer to this problem, unfortunately the gov't hasn't realized this completely :(