On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 4:54 AM, John Peach <john-nanog@johnpeach.com> wrote:
Does anyone know how to get Yahoo abuse to recognize that they're hosting a phishing site? All I can ever get back from them is boilerplate telling me they know how frustrating it is to get spam, that it did not originate from them and how to read the headers. Not half as frustrating as their ignorance. -- John
If anyone out there is good at handling abuse complaints, or at writing abuse-handling systems, and is contemplating a career change, please consider helping out; there's a whole raft of anti-abuse positions that need filling, and if we can get good people to fill them, they can help make it less frustrating to get these issues resolved. Here's a couple of key positions that are in serious need of filling, and have been open for several months now: http://careers.yahoo.com/jdescription.php?frm=jsres&oid=25937 http://careers.yahoo.com/jdescription.php?frm=jsres&oid=27908 for the whole list of anti-abuse positions that need filling... http://careers.yahoo.com/jsearchresults.php?key=abuse&jcat=&city=&submit=submit&submit=submit&submit=submit Without good people in those roles, it'll be hard for the folks on lists like this to get the level of responsiveness they're looking for. So, if you know people who would be good in these positions, send them along--the sooner the spots get filled, and people start cranking, the better we can deal with issues like this. Thanks! Matt (trying not to speak for anyone in particular...but not doing a terribly good job of it)