we, the users (and the greater "we", the providers) have to take this over. we've got the dollars at risk and we've got the customers to satisfy -- and those two things are the primary components of networking.
Is it just me, or does this argument ring the same as the debate over Social Security and taxes? Yes, we all agree that the situation, if it proceeds as it has, it horrible. Yet, could we as the internet community surpass the lethargicness of our government? I believe our true test of autonomy will be demonstrated at this juncture. Do we choose to develop a plan that will prevent the european ags's from being driven to their deaths? Or shall we slide along in oblivion, getting blocks of 8 bits 4 or five times a year? At MIDnet we've just gotten another 16 bit CIDR, and soon we will likely need another one. Would it not have made more sense to give us an 18 bit CIDR? Regardless, many methods of implementing a better situation come to mind, and Vixie's "World Council of Internet Eleet" is far from the worst. -- Alan Hannan (402) 472-0241 MIDnet Inc. ------------------------------\ fax (402) 472-0240 A Global Internet Company " All perception of truth is \_________________________ the detection of an analogy " -- Henry David Thoreau \____________________