On 1/25/22 16:14, Ca By wrote:
I would say its all actually billions of $$ in spectrum and patent fees… hardware parts are a rounding error.
Yes, the majority of the cost is in bidding and competing for spectrum. It's a whole song & dance. But also, depending on just how much of a cash-cow the business is, physically building out the network is nothing to scoff at either.
The more interesting story is at&t
1. Tell everyone you are build an open source core network on openstack (lol)
2. Build it, put it into prod, then disown it into the linux foundation
3. Admit you built an albatross , then pay Azure to take it off your hands, and thus losing any control of your network.
:-). Wouldn't be the first time this has happened before, except back then, it was all hardware, and not virtualization. Ah, the telco - we are good and walking over our own steps, just with bigger or smaller shoes, than before. Mark.