The Merit NSFNET Technical Seminar will be held in the Auditorium of the Chrysler Center on the North Campus of the University of Michigan. For those of you who attended the last meeting in January of 1992 (then tagged the Advanced Topics Seminar), this is being held in the same building and room. If you are unfamiliar with Merit's location, we are located on North Campus. The Chrysler Center is an easy walk from the Computing Center, where our NOC is located. Please call or send email to nsf-seminar if you have any questions, Sheri Repucci Merit/Internet Engineering (313) 936-2085 or 936-3335 =================================================================== Transportation from Detroit Metro Airport to Ann Arbor ------------------------------------------------------ Detroit Metropolitan Airport is located 25 miles east of Ann Arbor on I-94. At Metro you will find many car rental agencies and a bus service, Commuter Service (in Michigan, 1-800-351-LIMO, Nationwide, 1-800-458-9401). You can buy a bus ticket at the Ground Transportation Desk near the Luggage Pick-up (cash only). Buses leave hourly and stop at the Michigan Union (located on Central Campus) and major hotels in Ann Arbor. The fare is around $14.50 one way or $25.00 round trip (slightly more to the hotels that offer this service). Make your return reservations the day before you leave and plan to leave 1 1/2 to 2 hours before your flight time. See more detailed directions below. Directions from Metro Airport to Campus Inn and the Central Campus of UM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you get to Plymouth Road (off of US-23) continue on Plymouth Road west until you get to Main St (this is a long haul). Turn left on Main St. (South). Take Main Street to E. Huron Street. Turn left on Huron (East). Then Huron to the Campus Inn (located on the corner of Huron and State Street). Note: these directions follow the most straight forward and heavily used roads. Once you know the area or find a map you will be able to shorten the ride. Directions from Detroit Metro to Red Roof Inn. ---------------------------------------------- 1. On exiting airport, follow I-94 West (marked Ann Arbor or Chicago). 2. Go west about 18 miles to US-23. Exit to US-23 north. Follow US-23 north about 6 miles to Plymouth Road (Exit number 41) and exit. 3. Turn left on Plymouth Road. Red Roof Inn and is on the right hand side of the street. Directions to the Computing Center (Merit Network Operation Center) from Detroit Metro Airport ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. On exiting airport, follow I-94 West (marked Ann Arbor or Chicago). 2. Go west about 18 miles to US-23. Exit to US-23 north. Follow US-23 north about 4 miles to Geddes Road (Exit number 39) and exit. 3. Turn left on Geddes and follow along about two miles. You will pass two traffic lights, and after the second light, Geddes Road changed into Fuller Road. You will be forced to make an abrupt right-hand turn onto a one-way street (the street is named Oakway Road, and the Veteran's Hospital will be on your left). Stay in the right lane and go "straight" at the stop sign at the end of the block. You are entering the UM North Campus on Beal Avenue at this point. 4. Turn into the first parking lot entrance on the left (you'll notice the Gerald Ford Library on your right). 5. The Computing Center Building is at the end of the first aisle--the three-story, dark glass building on the end. Enter on the north (far) side. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor. Once you reach the third floor, you may need to use the phone right outside the entrance; dial 3-3448 and someone will let you in to the NOC area. Directions Back to Metro Airport From the Computing Center ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Exit the parking lot and turn right on Beal Avenue. 2. At the stop sign, turn right onto Glazier Way and get into the left lane (it's a one-way street). 3. Follow around to your left at the end of the first block onto Fuller Road (you are circling the Veteran's Hospital). Get into the right lane. 4. Follow Fuller Road through two traffic lights (it changes into Geddes at the first light, but just keep going straight). 5. Just past the second light, you will come to the US-23 overpass. Take US-23 south (marked Toledo). 6. Go about 4 miles to I-94 and take I-94 east 18 miles to Metro Airport.