what are others in this space doing?
not using import/export lines in their RS or router configs, for starters. Probably you could count the number of IXPs that inspect import/export lines on the fingers of one hand, and possibly of one finger.
Generally speaking, IXPs try to aim for filters based on a single {as-set,IRRDB set} tuple per RS client configured. If you're aiming for bilat bgp sessions, then this functionality would need to be replicated. Nearly 30 years on, this is still the state of the art.
i am not looking for the SIX to filter, though they do filtering. my issue is 3130 --- SIX --- martha --- RIS artemis runs off a RIS feed martha is telling RIS MARTHA_3130 and artemis is saying that martha is trying to hijack 3130's prefix. i was hoping that, if 3130 said it is peering with martha, artemis would get a clue and stfu randy