Could we stop this, please? Either Netrail's NAP will be useful or it won't be. It'll be useful as a local exchange if local providers go. It'll be useful as a place to sell transit of transit providers go. It'll be useful as a place to offload huge chunks of Internet traffic between larger providers only if they go, which they don't seem to be interested in yet. Avi
If anyone is interested in setting up an alternative Atlanta NAP, I have a very spacious first-floor apartment which I am more than happy to volunteer to the effort. It's even somewhat sunk below ground level, and I think my neighbors wouldn't mind the occassional running of a generator.
I've already got 10MB/s, which puts the Northside-Circle-NAP on par with MAE-NY, right?
499 Northside Circle Apt 414 Atlanta, GA
Colo space is $49/month for the kitchen, $69 for the living room. In light of the objections raised by Mr. Dillon, upstairs space (aka., "Todd's Bedroom") is cheaper at $29, and the shower can be yours for a mere $19.95 per month!
Initial incoming bandwidth is 128k, meaning we're already faster than the orig. NSF backbone!
Sign up now, space is very limited.
As for geographical diversity, a fellow engineer who lives about a quarter-mile down the road just said he, too, has free rack space with a similar setup. However, since his is a second-floor apartment, he's going to undercut my pricing. Bastard!
__ Todd Graham Lewis Linux! Core Engineering Mindspring Enterprises tlewis@mindspring.com (800) 719 4664, x2804