29 Jun
29 Jun
5:15 a.m.
On 28/Jun/19 10:35, adamv0025@netconsultings.com wrote:
If the PEs are sufficiently small I'd even go further as to L3VPNs-PE vs L2VPNs-PE services etc..., it's mostly because of streamlined/simplified hw and code certification testing. But as with all the decentralize-centralize swings one has to strike the balance just right and weight the aggregation pros against too many eggs in one basket cons.
On the VPN side, we sell more l2vpn then l3vpn. In fact, I don't believe we've actually sold an l3vpn service, apart from the one we built to deliver voice services. l3vpn is a dying service in Africa. With everything in the cloud now, everybody just wants a simple IP service. Mark.