On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Randy Bush wrote:
the two year window is far too low given the sbc ceo's recent public statements on the use of his wires by google and the like.
Should content suppliers be required to provide equal access to all networks? Or can content suppliers enter into exclusive contracts? If Google sets up a WiFi network in San Francisco or buys AOL with Comcast, can Google create a custom content for users on its networks? Or must Google offer the same cotent on the same terms and conditions to everyone? Should AOL be able to offer selected content to only its customers, such as music downloads? Or must AOL supply that content to everyone equally? Comcast offers its users access to the Disney Connection web site, should Disney be required to offer it to all Internet users equally? The NFL offers its Sunday Ticket exclusively through DirecTV? Or must the NFL offer the same content to every network? What rules should exist on how Google operates? Or is it just traditionally lobbying? Google says regulate the other guy, but not itself. The other guys say regulate Google, but not them.