Security is a lifestyle.
People laugh when I say this, do they laugh when you say it?
you have to turn it around, "insecurity is a lifestyle", before people will skip the polite (because they think you're joking and it isn't funny) or nervous (because they think you're paranoid) laughter. lately i've been thinking about trust and privacy and confidence, and it's really icky how the more digital communications tools we get the less right to control our information experience we have. e-mail is among several things which hasn't further liberated any individuals but which quite a few large companies consider a great boon -- precisely because they can shift costs down into the noise level and stop considering the desireability or usefulness of their outbound messaging. but it's not just e-mail, it's on my phone and on my fax machine and on my SMS PDA and oh what a mess. trustlessness is a lifestyle. -- Paul Vixie