* Michael.Dillon@radianz.com <Michael.Dillon@radianz.com> [2004-06-07 14:15]:
complaining that cisco charges extra for such a critical component is exactly the right thing to do; it is fucking scary.
every damn network device which used to have telnet should ship with ssh, it's free.
The typical network architecture of an ISP sees routers located in large clusters in a PoP or on a customer's site directly connected to a PoP. Since it is dead simple to place a 1U Linux box or similar SPARC server in a PoP to act as a secure gateway, why should router vendors encourage laziness and sloppiness?
ssh on the router doesn't make this - indeed wise - setup impossible or anything. but get real: you don't have a secure box next to those little 26xx deployed at customer sites. Or 36x, or whatever. Pointing out that one can work around the missing ssh on cisco devices doesn't solve the issue, it is still a workround. -- Henning Brauer, BS Web Services, http://bsws.de hb@bsws.de - henning@openbsd.org Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity. (Dennis Ritchie)